Explore games for macOS tagged Shoot 'Em Up on itch.io. Shoot 'Em Up or shmup games are a subset of shooter games where the player continually moves forward while waves of enemies enter the screen. Both shooting and dodging are critical to advancing. Mac Shoot Em Up Games (1 to 9 of 9 games) 1. Chicken Invaders 2. » Chickens are invading the solar system; journey to the planets and fight to save the world (again) and humankind-at-large! »Theme: Chicken game, Space game. »Player mode: single player. The Quasi Blaster game is related to arcade, retro, shoot 'em up, space, spaceship. The evil aliens continue to ravage earth as the intergalactic war goes on. Eggbot vs Zombies. The Eggbot vs Zombies game is related to gun games, robots, shooting, survival horror, unity3d, webgl, zombies. Find Shooter games for macOS like AnoMalice (Episode 1 shareware), Anger Foot, sweetsdigger (sega mega drive/genesis), Siren's Wharf, Project: E.N.D on itch.io, the indie game hosting marketplace.
Mario Forever
Mario Forever is a freeware clone/unofficial remake of the popular Super Mario Bros. It was created by Buziol Games, and it was released for Windows only in 2004. After many reque...
Year: 2004Genre: PlatformerUpdated: 2020-06-17Tags: arcadecloneenhanced remakesfreewarehop and bopside-scrollingsuper mario bros
Mario & Luigi
Mario & Luigi is a simple but very nice clone of Super Mario Bros developed by Mike Wiering in 1994. Controls are very simple: Ctrl to Run, Alt to Jump, Space to Fire, Left and Right arrows to walk.
Year: 2001Genre: PlatformerUpdated: 2020-12-02Tags: clonefreewareplatformsuper mario bros

Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War
Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War is a historic real-time strategy game developed by Stainless Steel Studios and Midway Games and published in 2006. In 2008 a free version of the game was released supported by the US Air Force.
Year: 2006Genre: StrategyUpdated: 2015-04-20Tags: classical antiquityfantasyfreewarehistorical battlehistoryreal-time
Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia is a fantasy cinematic 2D platformer originally developed and published by Brøderbund and designed by Jordan Mechner. It was initially released in 1989 for the Apple II.
Year: 1990Genre: PlatformerUpdated: 2021-02-18Tags: apple 2 original gamecinematicfreewaremiddle eastplatformpuzzle-solving
DX-Ball is a 'breakout' clone, based on the popular Amiga game Megaball, developed for Windows in 1996 by Michael P. Welch..
Year: 1996Genre: ArcadeUpdated: 2017-02-13Tags: arcadebreakoutclonefreewarepaddlepong
Ghosts 'N Goblins Remake
Ghosts 'n Goblins Remake is a freeware clone of the 1985 popular side-scrolling platforming game developed by Capcom for arcades..
Year: 2004Genre: ActionUpdated: 2016-12-05Tags: clonecoin-up conversiondark fantasyfreewarehorrorplatformside-scrollingsword and sorcery

The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall
The Elder Scrolls II - Daggerfall is an open world single player action rpg by Bethesda Softworks. It was released in 1996 on the PC. It's the second entry in the popular Elder scr...
Year: 1996Genre: Role PlayingUpdated: 2020-12-02Tags: action-rpgfantasyfreewaremedievalnon-linearopen worldrpg elementssandbox
Shadow Warrior
Shadow Warrior is an action shooter game developed by 3D Realms Entertainment and published by GT Interactive Software in 1997 for DOS and Mac. In 2013 it made its way to Windows and was also formatted for iPhone and iPad.

Year: 1997Genre: ShooterUpdated: 2020-12-02Tags: comedyfreewareshoot em up
StarCraft is one of the most influential real-time-strategy games ever created and one of the most important video games of all time. It was developed by Blizzard Entertainment, and it was initially released in 1998 for Windows.
Year: 1998Genre: StrategyUpdated: 2020-01-14Tags: aliensfreewarereal-timertsscience fiction
Death Rally
Death Rally is a top-down combat racing game developed by Remedy, published by Apogee and distributed by GT Interactive Software. It was released in 1996 for MS-DOS, but in 2009 it was re-released for Windows as freeware.
Year: 1996Genre: RacingUpdated: 2020-12-02Tags: freewareshoot em up
Zork: The Great Underground Empire
Zork is one of the earliest interactive fiction computer games, developed initially in 1977–1979, then released as a trilogy in the 1980s by Infocom for Apple II, Commodore 64, Macintosh, DOS and many other platforms.
Year: 1982Genre: AdventureUpdated: 2020-12-02Tags: fantasyfreewareinteractive fictionpuzzle-solvingtext adventuretext-only
Tyrian 2000

Tyrian 2000 is a direct re-release of the original sci-fi vertical scrolling shooter Tyrian, developed by Eclipse Software and released by Epic Megagames for MS-DOS.
Year: 1999Genre: ShooterUpdated: 2015-05-11Tags: arcadefreewarescience fictionshoot em upv-scrolling shoot-em up
Skyroads is a remake of the driving game Kosmonaut. Both games were made by Bluemoon, a small studio based in Estonia. The game was released in 1993 for PC MS-DOS only. Compare...
Year: 1993Genre: RacingUpdated: 2020-12-02Tags: arcadefreewareplatformscience fictiontrack racing
UFO: Alien Invasion
Free Shoot Em Up Games For Mac Windows 10
UFO: Alien Invasion is a futuristic, squad-based and turn-based strategy game set in 2084, heavily inspired by X-COM, but not a sequel or a remake.
Free Shoot Em Up Games For Mac Computers
Year: 2006Genre: StrategyUpdated: 2015-04-08Tags: sci-fi/futuristicturn-basedfreeware